The writing is complete. Thanks to helicopter delays!

The writing for my upcoming book is FINALLY done!! The manuscript writing that is 🙂 What’s a manuscript? I didn’t know either. It’s basically the raw version of ~50,000 words that will ultimately be molded into a published book. Next is the editing process. I knew this project would be exciting and I’m enjoying learning about all the moving pieces. Editing sounds simple but gets quite involved. There is developmental editing that focuses on overall structure. This process ensures that ideas are presented effectively and logically. Line editing is another step that focuses on the individual lines of text in the manuscript. Each line and sentence is reviewed ensuring it is clear, concise, and practical. Then there is copy editing which focuses on grammar, punctuation and syntax that ensures the text is clear and concise. All this will take at least a couple of more months while we move into the next phase which I’ll share later.
Want to be first to see the chapter outline and received a chapter or two?? Sign up below with your email address and I’ll send that out to you early next year. I promise to never spam you nor sell your email address and you can unsubscribe at any time.
It was really fitting to put in the final hours of writing in front of a warm fire during a helicopter flight delay caused by low fog while on my annual heli-skiing trip in Blue River, British Columbia. The skiing in deep fresh powder in the Cariboo and Monashee mountain ranges was as incredible as ever. I thought of blogging about all the details but remembered that I already did and frankly not much has changed. It’s a yearly rinse & repeat kind of awesome week away. So I updated my pervious post and added some more pics. Those details can be found here : Heli Skiing in British Columbia
Wishing everyone a great holiday season and all the best for the upcoming year!! Looking forward to keeping you updated on book progress and exciting new adventures.